
This blog is dedicated to all things Orioles, Ravens, and Baltimore sports in general. We'll focus on more than just the day-to-day, week-to-week grind of the sport's seasons. We'll be sharing past experiences we've had related to Baltimore sports. From road-trips to specific encounters we've had with players, we'll share it all. Remember, You Make The Magic Happen!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sometimes ESPN Makes Me Angry

Check out this preview for the first game of the upcoming Orioles-Yankees series. Now I know the Orioles are far from interesting on a national standpoint, but, come on espn.com! At least get Jeremy Guthrie's name right! Take a look at the third-to-last paragraph of this stupid piece of writing: http://espn.go.com/mlb/preview?gameId=290720110


  1. I noticed the EXACT same thing when I was reading the game preview from my cell phone yesterday. The first thing I noticed is that the first half of the article is practically a recap of the Yankees previous game and series. They barely touch on the Orioles in the 'ORIOLES-Yankees Game Preview.' It is to be expected though. I caught ESPN calling Adam Jones, 'Pac-Man' ealrier this year. Typical...

  2. This is ridiculous. They should know better...
